Poker has grown into one of the world’s most popular past times, with an estimated thirty-two million people playing at least one game of poker per day in the US. Poker is a collection of game matches where players bet over which hand is the best based on the rules of that game. One of…
Category: Blog
The Story of Toto
The name Toto means “Monkey” in Swahili. Toto means “goat” in Dutch. So, basically Toto means “Goat Monkey”?. Not much clear from that alone, though it is not unknown that Toto means “Goat Monkey” in Swahili as well. So, what does “Goat Monkey” mean anyway? The name is derived from a legend that a monkey…
How to Find Slots For Free in Online Casinos
How to Find Slots For Free in Online Casinos A game slot, also called a fruit machine, baccarat, slots, the slots, poker machine or fruitless, is a gambling device that produces a game of luck for its users. Slot machines are one of the most popular types of gambling devices. There are different types of…
A Quick Overview Of Many Different Types Of Gambling Activities
A Quick Overview Of Many Different Types Of Gambling Activities Gambling is the act of betting something of value on a game with an unpredictable outcome in the hope of winning something more valuable, usually with an expiry date soon approaching. Gambling therefore requires three important components to be present: risk, consideration, and a payout….
Poker Strategy – Simple and Easy
Poker Strategy – Simple and Easy Poker, also called holdem poker, is one of the most popular card games. Poker is also a family of strategic card games where players bet over which hand is better based on the rules of the game as compared to the numbers of the face cards. There are different…
Words That End in Toto
Words That End in Toto To use the verb toto in an argument is to assert that there is some sort of connection between you and the other person you are speaking to. It usually refers to the act of asserting something that is not there. For example, I always say to my wife, “You…
Video Slot Machines – How They Work
Video Slot Machines – How They Work A game slot, also called the fruit machines, slots, pugs, the wooden chips, the polygons, fruit machines or fruitless slots, is a casino machine that produces a game of luck for its players. A lot of these machines are based on luck, while others are based on skill….
All About Gambling Income Tax
To define and explain gambling, we have to first take into account what gambling is not. Gambling is actually the wagering on something with an uncertain future with the intention of winning something in return. Gambling therefore requires three components for it to occur: risk, consideration, and a reward. There are no guarantees with gambling…
Poker Varieties – How To Play And Win Poker
Poker is any of many card games where players place their bets over which hand the particular game’s outcome is likely to follow. Poker is widely played as a card game, and in as much as it can be easily explained as a game of chance, it must also be understood that poker is controlled…
The Functionality Of TOTO Toilets
TOTO (Tokyo OverThe Shower) is a Japanese based company that specializes in shower systems. It is known for creating the most innovative and high-quality shower systems around. TOTO is a division of Toshiba Electric Corporation. It was established in 1917 and today is known for manufacturing the Washlets and related accessory products. The company is…