TOTO (Tokyo OverThe Shower) is a Japanese based company that specializes in shower systems. It is known for creating the most innovative and high-quality shower systems around. TOTO is a division of Toshiba Electric Corporation. It was established in 1917 and today is known for manufacturing the Washlets and related accessory products. The company is located in Kitakyushu, Japan, which is located on the island of Shikine, in Japan.
As with any other Japanese company, toto toilets are manufactured with high quality standards. It is obvious that every fixture is of the highest quality, and in fact, they even go a step further by using only the finest materials. They are also very environmentally conscious, working to reduce their carbon footprint as much as possible. This means that every toilet that is sold uses a combination of water and energy-efficient technologies to ensure that the toto toilet is able to deliver the cleanest and most efficient performance possible.
If you want to install TOTO toilets in your home or business, there are several items that you will need to consider. The main item is the toilet seat. When choosing a seat height for a TOTO toilet, it is important to be aware that a taller person will typically have an advantage in terms of reaching the button. Because these toilets may use a combination of water and electronic systems to activate the flushing mechanism, the seat height is especially important. Most people have trouble reaching the buttons when they are taller, so this can be an important feature to look for.
In addition to the seat height, you will need to choose a good-quality automatic toilet bowl cleaner. As you know, it is important to have a clean bowl to make sure that the cleaning mechanisms are working correctly. Because the cleaning mechanism requires water to activate the flushing mechanism, it is imperative that the bowl is free of debris. There are many brands available on the market today offering reliable automatic bowl cleaners, but it is important that you choose one from a reputable company. In some cases, you may find that the company manufacturing the automatic toilet bowl cleaner is not selling quality products, which will save you money in the long run.
You should also understand the basic functioning of a Japanese toilet. The Japanese often use ceramic material for their toilets. Because ceramic materials are highly susceptible to heat damage, it is important that you opt for a model that comes with a protective heating element. In many cases, if you live in a mild or cold climate, you should still consider purchasing TOTO toilets, but only if the heating element is on.
Finally, when installing TOTO toilets, you should choose a commode that is compatible with your Japanese toilet. In most cases, the commodes for TOTO toilets are wider than those for standard toilets, because the latter tend to have narrow commodes. Because you need to install the commode outside the toilet, it is important that the commode extends far enough outside the toilet to allow you to reach it. If you don’t do this, the commode could collapse and injure you or other people. While TOTO toilets can be installed by non-professional plumbers, you should still choose a professional if you have any doubts.