A relatively new Japanese company, Toto has grown to be one of the world’s biggest bathroom accessories manufacturers. It was started in 1917, and today is most famous for producing the famous Washlet and various derivative items. The company is located in Kitakyushu, Japan, and has manufacturing facilities in nine other countries worldwide. Toto believes that style should be an integral part of bathroom design and production, and thus they have released a wide range of ranges in both traditional and modern styles.
One of Toto’s main products is their Masterpiece range, which is particularly notable for its use of unique and unusual materials. The most notable among these is their Toilet Seat and Toilet Wall Liners, which are made from ceramic and iron respectively. Other toilet accessories made by Toto include Shower Stands and Glass Toilet Accessories. Their most popular range is their One-piece To Toto Fluid Boxes, which are one of the most common designs used in toilets today. This is also one of the reasons why Toto has consistently come out with new products every year.
A leading Toto manufacture is the Toilet Seat Mold, which is used to shape the contours of newly manufactured toilet seats and toilet walls. A newer addition to this range is their heated seats, which are especially popular with people living in colder regions. These heated seats work on the same principle as conventional seat heaters, but they use propane to create heat instead of electricity. They are extremely popular among people who live in cold climates, as they are very effective at keeping the area around the toilet warm. The heating elements can either be manually adjusted or can be activated with a remote control.
A leading Japanese company, Toilet Seat Co., produces Toto’s latest innovation, the Toilet Wall Saver. This is a self-cleaning mechanism that will cleanse the bowl of the toilet, removing any accumulated food or liquid. As well as using manual power, the Toilet Wall Saver can also be activated remotely from a distance, either by a radio or by a computerised program. The Toilet Wall Saver can be used in conjunction with the Toilet Seat Mold, to allow the entire process to be automated.
Although Toto is best known for its traditional toilet paper designs, they also produce interesting modern designs such as the Toilet Saver and the Bathroom Wall Saver. The toilet paper topper that is produced by Toto is an extremely popular choice among users, as it is aesthetically pleasing and lightweight. Some models of the Toilet Paper Topper feature a built in dispenser, which can be used to feed toilet paper directly onto the seat of the toilet when the seat is not being used. It is also possible to manually feed toilet paper from the top of the toilet onto the seat, but this can become inconvenient if there are many people sitting on the toilet at the same time. In addition to the toilet paper dispenser, some models of Toilet Saver have a built in toothbrush holder and a built in soap dish.
One of the main drawbacks of Toto toilets is that they do not have an internal heating element. As most houses do not have heat ducts installed, most houses that do have to have Toto heatifiers fitted are located outside. They also tend to be fairly small in size, which means that only a few people can fit them in an available space. Also, these types of toilets are rather expensive, especially if they have a central heating system incorporated into them. This means that for rural households that are not located near a central heating facility, they may be considered a relatively easy to install option.